Candoo offers our communities simple and painless repair and maintenance for owners and property managers. Flexibilty in pricing and instant response means whether large or small, whatever you need we tailor for you. Our goal is to create value, we think “repair first, replace last”, that way we ensure the bills you pay are only what the doctor ordered.
But our service is not just about repairs. Struggling with furniture assembly? Our answer is “Candoo!”. Had a new addition to your family and need your home “Baby Proofed”, we Candoo whatever you need to make you home safe. These are just some of those requests we can say “Candoo!” to you today

Carpentry – Make your home unique with professional, custom carpentry. Our experienced team can build and install brand new items such as cabinets, shelves and more.
Electrical – Avoid shocks with our electrical service, taking these jobs on yourself Candoo harm to your health. Fitting new equipment, re-wiring or repair; our qualified technicians provide safe and dependable service.
Installation – Facelift for your property? Out with the old and in with the new from countertops, light fittings to fitted wardrobes and doors. Our skilled professionals will transform your home.
Maintenance – Not taking care of the little things and that to-doo list soon adds up. Grouting in the bathroom, chipped tiles or servicing your AC units makes sure you Candoo more with your spare time.
Painting – Breathe new life into tired spaces. Quality and care will ensure that we Candoo full rejuvenation for your home.
Plumbing – Don’t let minor leaks and dripping taps cost you money and damage your home, let us plug that growing sinkhole of funds before it Candoo you damage.
Repair – Our repair specialists save both time and money, other contractors say replace – wherever we can, we fix. A one-call solution for those niggling repairs that if left untended shave your savings.
Assembly – Don’t agonize over confusing instructions and spend valuable free time trying to find that missing screw, let Candoo take over.